Today, I felt like writing about living life to the fullest and making each day count. Staying positive and appreciating the amazing lives we have, are things that sometimes people forget to consciously acknowledge... myself included. I try to stop each day and just take a minute to realize how lucky I am and to be appreciative of all the opportunities I have been given, the wonderful friends and family I have been blessed to be surrounded by in my life, and how thankful I am for this healthy body and mind that I have. But of course, there are days when I am busy, a little selfish, not putting myself in other people's shoes before I speak or act, or too caught up in my own trivial issues to take that time to be thankful. Being more thankful and grateful for all that I have, and being more respectful and understanding of the people in my life are things that I am working on making a more conscious part of my daily routine. Life here for us is only temporary and will always end sooner than you planned. We are not in control of the amount of time we have on this earth, only the way in which we choose to spend that time. Talk to your family more, take the time to learn something new about a friend, help a stranger, start each day by saying thank you, let go of something that would normally make you mad, acknowledge when you feel your mood start to go sour and turn it around, and let the people who care about you most know that they are appreciated by just saying thank you for no particular reason. I want to smile, give, appreciate, and love a little more everyday because I don't have perfect control over all the things that will happen in my life, but I have complete control over my attitude and my actions.
"One day your life will flash before your eyes... make sure it's worth watching."
"If there ever comes a day where we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever." -Winnie the Pooh
"Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen."
"Start each day with a grateful heart."
"If all the hate in the world followed me, I would continue to love and live happily. Nothing can stop me, my ambition won't falter, my attitude is one which nothing can alter. Sunshine and light fill every space in my heart, sharing it with others is my favorite form of art." -Whitney Daniel
"I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health." -Voltaire
<3 Health and Happiness
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